Illustration & Visual Narrative - Assignment 1

25.9.2023-5.11.2023 / Week 1- Week 6
Aliah Farhana Binti Mohd Fauzi / 0357957
Typography / Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media
Exercise 1 - Vormator Challenge 


Week 1 - Info

On this first week, Sir Hafiz has briefed us about this module and gave us a glimpse of this module such as the assignments and activities we're going to do through out this semester.

Week 2 - Vormator Shapes

Therefore, For this week lecture we were told to do an exercise, where the exercise is a practice of using a 'Pen Tool'. This practice will help us to learn and control pen tool using our mouse and an 'Option' key in Illustrator. 

Thus, in this week we were given a tasked to create our vormator character based on the given shaped which we have to trace it from the picture that Sir Hafiz has provided us in the google classroom.

Figure 1.0 The shape to do tracing

Week 3 - Light and shadows

Week 3 lecture was a practice of using pathfinder, shape builder and knife tool.

Figure 1.1 We have to apply this picture and trace it

Figure 1.2 Applying this skull to the pear as the shadow

Week 4 - Colours and Blending Mode

This week lecture we learnt the in Illustrator, there are six blending modes: Normal, Darken, Lighten, Contrast, Inversion, and Component.

Figure 1.3 Week 4 activity


<iframe src="" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>


Week 1
Figure 2.0 The Bézier Game

Week 2

Figure 2.1 Vormator shapes

Figure 2.2 My Vormator 

Week 3

Figure 2.3 Vormator + shadow

Figure 2.4  Chiaroscuro on Pear 
Figure 2.5 Pear + Skull shaped shadow

Week 4

Figure 2.6 Chiaroscuro on Human

Figure 2.7 Applying texture to vormator characters

In order to apply the texture on the certain part that I want, I have to select the specific part and place the image at the back of the part then I have it 'Clipping Mask'.

Week 5

Final 2.8 Final Pokemon card 

This is my final look of my vormator on Pokemon Card.


This assignment and the exercises has been a great help for me as a beginner in Illustrator to improve myself and learn more about AI. I would like to say that out of all the modules for this semester first assignment, this subject gave me the lease stress and I can adapt to this subject very quickly because of the help from our lecturer, Sir Hafiz. 


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