Digital Photography & Imaging - Project 2

06.11.2023-20.11.2023 / Week 7 - Week 9
Aliah Farhana Binti Mohd Fauzi / 0357957
Typography / Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media
Task 2 - Double Exposure & Photo Manipulation


Week 7 

Double Exposure 

Double exposure photography refers to merging multiple images. The goal is to make them surreal, emotional, or humorous. They usually feature silhouettes.

  1. Using the Tilt-Shift Effect
  2. Create fake reflection
  3. Experiment with simple portraits and details textured
  4. Convert your results to Black & White
  5. Work with silhouette 
  6. Pick two random photo
  7. Make simple objects look fascinating
  8. Use shadow

Week 9

Digital Surrealism


Takes subject matters of the ordinary and common world which we call "reality." It almost always takes a non-exotic and non-extraordinary subject matter and theme. There is no need to think outside of the box, as that is not "real."


A twist on Realism. It explores the subconscious mind, with subject matters concentrating on dream-images and often aims to distort the ordinary and what we call reality.

How to start creating Surrealism artworks?

  • Dream-like scenes and symbolic images
  • Unexpected, illogical juxtapositions
  • Bizarre assemblages of ordinary objects
  • Primitive or child-like designs


<iframe src="" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>

Task 2A - Double Exposure

For this task we were instructed to take a picture of ourself and transfer it to photoshop to blend our portrait with layers of background images.

Practise Double Exposure

Figure 2.0 Select the subject

Figure 2.1 Remove the background

Figure 2.2 Select and mask the subject

Figure 2.3 Refining the hair  

Figure 2.4 Results after refining the hair

Figure 2.5 Clipping mask over the body

Figure 2.6 Adding any necessary photo

Figure 2.7 Adjusting the gradient for the picture

The final outcome for practice double exposure

Figure 2.8 Final outcome

Self Double Exposure

Figure 2.9 Select the object to remove the background

Figure 2.10 Refining the edges of the subjects

Figure 2.11 Adding solid colour to the background

Figure 2.12 Clipping mask

Figure 2.13 adding any necessary picture

Figure 2.14 Adjusting the black and white 

Figure 2.15 Adding the background and adjust it based on the opacity and fill

Final Self Double Exposure

Figure 2.16 Viola!, the final outcome

Task 2B -  Photo Manipulation

Thus, this task we were told to do a conceptual product photoshoot where after that we have to create a photo manipulation of the subject using a photoshop to make it interesting.

Figure 2.17 PDF file for 2B exercise


Through out this task yet again, I've learned so much from the exercises, which makes me better at photoshopping, and I've found that the use of a clipping mask is really convenient. I've also learnt that before you even begin doing your work you have to either find an inspiration and plan first. This is to avoid an idea to come all at once and messed up your main idea.


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