Final Compilation

24.03.2024 / Week 7
Aliah Farhana Binti Mohd Fauzi / 0357957
Design Principles / Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media
Final Compilation


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  1. Task 1  
  2. Task 2 
  3. Task 3 


Aliah Farhana Binti Mohd Fauzi_Blind Spot_Task 3


  • What have I learnt in this module?
I have learnt more in depth about how the current world's status where before this I've turn a blind eye to the situation.

  • What did I enjoy the most?
I enjoyed doing designing and a little bit of researching even though its a bit hassle but its still bearable.

  • What did I not enjoy the most?
To do the APA citation afterwards.

  • What have I learnt about myself through this module?
I'm included as one of the ignorance human because I've taken this easy and enjoyable life of mine for granted and I do not care as to what happened now to the world. Besides that, I've also learnt about the UNSDG goals that before this I was not aware of.

  • What has changed and what has not in my learning journey?
This module has helps me to open my eyes and see the bigger picture to analysis and understand people's artworks thus what has not change is that I'm still myself procrastinating till the last minutes.

  • What could be improved in this module?
I do think that this module is actually quite fun and I don't think there's anything to be improved.


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